River Products



River Rock comes in a variety of sizes and colors ranging from 3″ to 8″ or bigger.  The forces of nature have smoothed the rock so that there are no sharp edges thus creating a natural look to ponds and dry creek beds.  Sometimes the larger rocks are used to create walls, columns or pathways and accents in garden areas.



Sand is commonly mixed with other products to manufacture concrete and mortar for stone or block work. Many people use sand as an inexpensive alternative to bagged sand. Other uses include volleyball pits, horseshoe pits, cushioning under above-ground or lined pools, or as a top dressing for installation of lawns. Cutting Edge Curbing Sand and Rock carries a variety of sand mixes to assist you with your specific project. Call for more details.


ABC (Aggregate Base Course) is used mainly for compaction under concrete slabs and roads. It is often referred to as AB or road base. ABC contains sand, gravel 1” and smaller and dirt and is often used on unpaved roads as an alternative to native soil which tends to be muddier when wet.


Concrete Mix, also called Aggregate Mix or Agg. Mix – Concrete mix is very similar to ABC without the dirt (clay). It consists of washed concrete sand and ½” – 3/4″ river rock. This product is used for making concrete when combined w/ Portland cement.



This product is used in our extruded concrete curbing. This sand contains ¼” aggregate mixed with sand often used in concrete production, horse arenas, soil mixes and also for leveling under brick, flagstone, pavers, above ground pools or sod.



This is a washed sand used in mortar mixes and stucco applications. It is also used as play sand, volley ball court sand or for use in filling in holes in tiff lawns.


3/8” Pea Gravel is used mainly in asphalt production but also commonly used as a decorative rock for modern landscape applications, exposed aggregate finishes in ornamental concrete or in ponds and water features.


Similar to concrete sand but with more aggregate; mainly used for grouting joints in cinder block structures such as fences, equipment walls and outdoor kitchens.


USGA sand is specifically for use on golf courses for sand traps. Many people prefer to use the USGA sand for volleyball courts as well.